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Every year millions of Americans suffer from acne in which most of them are teens population. At least 90% of people in this world might experience acne at some point in their lives. There are different age groups for boys and girls at which they experience acne. Girls might experience at the age of 14-17 while boys experience at the age of 16-19. There are numerous of reasons why we get acne such as touching your face, over washing or...

Butt acne can be really bothersome and embarrassing. Don’t think you are alone in this. There are a lot of women who face a similar problem but face it with their best foot forward. You too can with the following suggestions: Don't Let Sweat Build Up Immediately after exercising, take a shower. Do not let the sweat your body may have released clog the pores and make way for acne formation. The build up of oil combined with debris is bad for...

Acne and pimples are the biggest enemy of flawless skin and it can make you feel miserable due to their presence on your face or skin. They are most annoying and prevalent skin curses. Most of the time you have been in a situation where an ugly red spot has appeared just before the big day. The question arises, can you do anything about it naturally or without having to indulge in expensive treatments. The answer is yes! There are more...