Aging skincare

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Collagen is one of the most important nutrients. It works with keratin to provide the skin with smoothness, elasticity, resilience and strength. It is produced by the skin and other parts of the body. When you are young, you have an abundance of collagen in your body. But, as you age collagen production declines and weakening the skin. That is why necks become saggy, skin wrinkles and lines form around the eyes or mouth. What can be done to help stimulate...

Your skin is the largest organ in our body. So, it needs an extra little love and attention for sure.As we all know there are a lot of anti aging skin care products available in the market today. But, looking younger begins from the inside out. Having healthy skin is the best way to keep yourself looking young. Eating a variety of healthy foods helps keep skin supple and glowing. You’re diligent about fruits, veggies, and multis, but your skin...

Have you begun to notice the first signs of aging on your skin? These could be a wrinkle, age spots to fine lines around your forehead, eyes and lips. Either, you're 30 and just starting to see the first signs of aging on your face or 50 with skin that isn't truly keeping your birthday a secret, finding ways to reduce wrinkles is probably your agenda. Check out the Infographic below by Instanatural to see how to start fighting your...

  Aging is the sum total of all the life processes that lead to decay of muscle mass, bone mass and other metabolic activities taking place within our body. One may feel jaded with this but it is a life event one cannot run away from. Luckily, since ages humans have been fighting with this and have invented a few tools and gateways to sustain the beauty of their skin. But before unraveling them let us take into account the kinds...

Sensitive skin has an overwhelming tendency of showing redness due to daily invaders like strong sun rays and even hot meals. Understandably, sensitive skin is more fragile than other skin types, and, inevitably, needs more care! For most of us, there is a predominant need of slowing, preventing and even reversing the aging process especially the ones having sensitive skins. We are waging a war against aging, and, undoubtedly we are not alone. There are many medical professionals and researchers,...