How To Use Makeup To Cover Scars- An Infographic Guide

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makeup to cover scars

The first few steps in makeup to cover scars are always the same. First, clean the skin with a soap-free cleanser. Second, use a serum targeted to work on your skin type and specific concerns. Next, apply a hydrating primer so that the makeup looks better and stays longer. When it comes to covering up marks and scars, it’s all about color correcting.

makeup to cover scars

In the infographic given above by TheBeautyDepartment shows the blemish magic trick to prevent any inflammation or scarring. It’s quite simple, just wet a corner of the washcloth with hot water, wring out excess water, hold the washcloth corner directly on the top of blemish and repeat all steps if necessary, until the top slides off.

To make the skin blemish free, it is also very important to know which foods contain skin nurturing vitamins for healthier skin. Food does play a crucial role in making the skin radiant and youthful. As what you’ll put in your body will show up on your skin. So, eat healthily.