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Maintaining glow in the early 20s is very easy, but as time passes for every female it becomes a little difficult to manage that similar glow. As we all know getting older is unavoidable and with that, the signs of aging are unavoidable as well. Your body will show many signs with the growing age like gray hair, wrinkles on your skin, skin pigmentation, etc. We all try hard to resist our age and stay with the same age and...

One truth of life, which nobody can deny, is that you get older each day. And as you get older, your body’s internal system like skin cell turnover and healing slows down. With age comes wrinkles, dark spots, and rough skin. But, sometimes, even before the expected time, your skin starts ageing. This is known as premature skin aging. Although it’s impossible to stop these changes completely, there are specific ways that can help. Here, we are listing out a few...

Premature or excess wrinkles can also be caused due to factors like too much exposure to sunlight or smoking, harsh environments, excessive stress, or even sudden weight loss. Despite that skin wrinkle with age is still a natural process. But, in contrast to the rest of the body, the under-eye area being delicate is more prone to wear out faster. Anything from crying to lack of sleep can result in dark circles, facial wrinkles as well as unsightly puffiness, under the...

Have you ever wondered as to why are you aging fast apart from the fact that everyone else ages too? It is indeed the bitter truth of life, isn't it? Yet, nobody wants to age. How about we tell you that you do have the ability to reverse the signs of aging? Want to hold on or recapture your youth? Just give a look to the infographic by ADV Derm. We certainly kid you not! You might have heard about the various...

  Aging is the sum total of all the life processes that lead to decay of muscle mass, bone mass and other metabolic activities taking place within our body. One may feel jaded with this but it is a life event one cannot run away from. Luckily, since ages humans have been fighting with this and have invented a few tools and gateways to sustain the beauty of their skin. But before unraveling them let us take into account the kinds...