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Collagen is one of the most important nutrients. It works with keratin to provide the skin with smoothness, elasticity, resilience and strength. It is produced by the skin and other parts of the body. When you are young, you have an abundance of collagen in your body. But, as you age collagen production declines and weakening the skin. That is why necks become saggy, skin wrinkles and lines form around the eyes or mouth. What can be done to help stimulate...

When it comes to skin care products, it seems like the choices are endless. You can easily feel overwhelmed when you’re walking down the aisles in the department store. Do you really know what you’re buying when you choose a product with an organic label? There are always new brands popping up, new ingredients, and new ideas. We think if the label has an official-looking organic labels, it must be organic, right? But, perhaps not. The truth is not all...

Your skin is the largest organ in our body. So, it needs an extra little love and attention for sure.As we all know there are a lot of anti aging skin care products available in the market today. But, looking younger begins from the inside out. Having healthy skin is the best way to keep yourself looking young. Eating a variety of healthy foods helps keep skin supple and glowing. You’re diligent about fruits, veggies, and multis, but your skin...

Jojoba oil is perfect for every women's makeup bag. It has countless beauty benefits and wide range of uses to cure the whole body.  One big bonus is that it contains almost all the minerals and vitamins, like-vitamin E, B-complex, zinc, selenium, copper, iodine, and chromium which are essential for a naturally healthy skin and hair. Here are some of the best uses and benefits of jojoba oil in the infographic by Dr.Axe. It is a prime choice for those who want...

When it comes to your beauty routine, sleeping may be the closest thing to a fountain of youth. The notion of ‘Beauty Sleep’ has been dismissed as a myth. Your body repairs itself and recovers while you snooze and that leads to a long series of benefits for your looks. The key is to get enough 6 - 8 hours of restful sleep each night is a must for happy, hydrated and youthful-looking skin. Routinely gets less than 6.5 hours...